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The Eden Project

- A collaborative approach to consulting -

The Eden Project flows from direct engagement with Japanese companies spanning two decades, and with non-Japanese companies grappling with the intricacies of operating in Japan, all charting paths of promise through an opaque and complex global business environment.

The Eden Project Japan - Social Sustainability Consulting


The Eden Project delivers consulting solutions in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region through collaborative approaches, seeking first to articulate and align leadership purpose and vision, then to drive operational practices that reflect and develop common cause and shared commitment. We create and implement bespoke programs to deliver on objectives across a diversity of sectors, organizational structures, cultural settings, and team compositions.

The Eden Project Japan - Expertise on Social Sustainability Consulting


In order to be successful in realizing their visions, leaders need motivated and impassioned employees at every level of the organisation who seek to cultivate the value of what they are being asked to deliver - who connect their own work straight to the meaning and intended positive impact of the organizational vision.

A collaborative approach to Social Sustainability Consulting


The Eden Project works collaboratively with you and your team to elicit lived experience, collective learning, emerging narratives, inventive imagining, informed envisioning. Taking inspiration from the hearts and minds of your organization, we work with you to give voice and shape to solutions that deliver real and tangible results.

The Eden Project Japan - Developing the next-gen of business leaders

Our Way

To move initiatives forward, leaders need to be able to rely on the aspirations of future leaders.

We at The Eden Project have deep and diversified experience in developing individual and organizational leadership capacity.

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